Just in time before Christmas, we finished our first pilot with the SimCompanies Business Simulation Game and could celebrate our winners properly. Until the very end, the teams in groups of three proved their analytical and entrepreneurial skills and had a tight head-to-head race for the victory. The winner team “ZONGO Compagnie” as well as the second and third-placed teams were rewarded with small prizes for their great performances. As a big special for the final event, we welcomed the founder of SimCompanies, Patrick Beck, as a guest who talked about the idea behind SimCompanies and shared his experience on entrepreneurship. Thereby, our computer science students got the chance to talk to Patrik about being a founder, especially as a software developer, and received valuable advice for starting their own businesses.
SimCompanies provided a very fun solution to our students to improve their business skills (Business Simulation Game – Sim Companies).
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