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internships for 100% of students
internships are the best way to gain practical experience, so we make sure that ALL of our students complete an internship. we thank the companies that took our students as interns.
CS Class of 22
Agiitech, Amichal Tech, Apisavana, Atelier Maintenance Informatique, Cabinet Notaire , Groupe Tam-Tam Presse, Institute Imagine, Laafi, Lazone, MDENP, Natuco, Nos3s, Pharmacie Fang Yonre, Pharmacie Laafi, Rock Techno, Secreteriat Top Multi Service, Tara Service, VTS, Yamba Hub
CS Class of 21
Apisavana, Ciapes, Cimburkina, DGTIC, Institute Imagine, Lazone, MDENP, Ministère Eau et Assainissement, Onatel, One Dollar Glasses, Pharmacie Fang Yonre, Rock Techno, Sn Erfac, Sycom, VTS, Yamba Digital Hub, Yamba Hub
EE Class of 22
Agiitech, Alpha, Apisavana, Atelier Installation Batiment, Badiel Enterprise, Centre Hospitalier Régionale, Global Electrique Syst, Grand Moulin, Laafi, MDENP, ONEA, Pharmacie Habib, RADIO PALABRE, Rock Techno, Sn Erfac, SOPAM
I would like to thank my institute for giving me the opportunity to complete my internship at the DGTIC. This internship was very beneficial to me both professionally and intellectually.
We did a lot of different things at DGDI: web platform conception, software installation, and we also took part in Digital Week as an organizer. It’s digital or nothing!