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Student Opinion
Application of Knowledge
BIT: learn in class, apply in training. In this society where training and application of skill becomes rare, BIT’s major strength is to make it accessible to our students. One thing is learning, the other is to know how things work in a real case. BIT is the ideal place to learn by doing. Learning has never been more accessible and exciting than at BIT
English as our teaching language is a real challenge but it also opens a lot of doors. In fact, English is a universal language. If you can not speak English, you are limited to your country and in the business domain. Speaking English opens doors for our new generation.
English Education
Meaningful Mentorship
My mentor supports me in difficult times and gives me meaningful advice. I also learned a lot of new things from her, such as writing a good CV and cover letter. Additionally, my mentor worries about my life and does everything to ensure a better future for me. Thanks to my mentor I learned that I must always give the best of myself.
At BIT there are very good lectures and the professors are good, motivated and master their classes very well. We also have the chance to learn from edX courses. The online edX courses are also excellent and are well explained. Edx courses contain many examples and exercises that make it understanding.
Quality Education
Internships for Everyone
Why am I so excited to do my first internship in Ghana? First of all, I want to improve my English and discover a new culture. Additionally, I want to find innovative ideas of managing an enterprise, which is possible in Ghana because it is advanced in the technology domain. I believe this internship can really change my future
At BIT we often work in teams, which is an opportunity to learn more with the others and to share my knowledge. The group spirit is a symbol of love, peace, solidarity, and visions. For innovation we need different ideas from different people and teamwork is the key. Then, together we can build a better world for us and the future generations.